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About me

My name is Marianne Feydt, and I run Medisinsk Yoga Drammen. Here I hold groups in MediYoga, EMYoga (Energy Medicine Yoga), have Yoga therapy, Gong bath, talk therapy, TFT therapy, TRE treatments etc.

I hold various courses and workshops, Gongbad and conduct course development. I am a qualified yoga teacher and therapist at MediYoga International.

I am a MediYoga teacher and therapist, EMYoga teacher (Energy Medicine Yoga), Vinyasa yoga teacher, Child and youth yoga teacher. I am also part of the international MediYoga team where I develop in-depth courses for, among other things, other yoga teachers.

I have further education MediYoga trauma, MediYoga Stress and burnout mentor, MediYoga Kidz, MediYoga in warm water and MediYoga sleep. I myself have helped develop the latter two.
I have also developed MediYoga for young people and mental health.

TFT therapist (Tankefelt therapy) and TRE Provider (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises).

I am also a trained conversation therapist, couples and relationship therapist and conversation coach (senior practitioner level, affiliated with EMCC) at Humanova in Oslo. In addition, I have training in nutritional counseling and stress management. I have a background as a support contact and skin therapist and have close to 30 years' experience in health and working with people.

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